Catholic School Council First Meeting and Elections

Welcome back to a new year to be shared with our Catholic School Council here at St. Francis Xavier!
Nominations for council are now complete and I have included as well our new Teacher Representatives for the year.
Meetings will be shared virtually again this year and I have heard back from some of you that Wednesday evenings would work best. Our first meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 29 at 7:00 pm.
I will be sending you a Google Meet for that date.
At that time, we can move forward with the election of our executive members.
The following names are now on our SFX Catholic School Council:
M., Larivee, K. Wheeler, G. Spataro, N. Camara, L. Smith, S. Xavier, M. Goland, V. Plummer
Teacher Reps:   Ms. Poon, Ms. Alvarez
Thank you for all of your incredible work last year! We look forward to another great year!
God Bless,
Ms. Naccarato