Category: General

French Immersion Information Night

The French Immersion program is offered at 15 schools across the YCDSB and is designed to provide non-francophone children with a high degree of proficiency in the French language. While any exposure to a second language is beneficial, French Immersion broadens and deepens that exposure.If YOUR CHILD IS ATTENDING SENIOR KINDERGARTEN AT AN FI SCHOOL. A Central French Immersion Parent Information Night will be held ... Continue reading "French Immersion Information Night"

NEW – Covid 19 Screening Tool for Children in School and Child Care

Good Morning. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community. I would like to share the newest revision to our protocols for screening children in school as provided by the Ministry of Health. see Version 2: October 1, 2020 Ministry of Health | Ministry of Education. Please also screen your children before attending school. Asymptomatic siblings may still attend school.

Children must screen for COVID-19 every ... Continue reading "NEW – Covid 19 Screening Tool for Children in School and Child Care"

St. Thomas the Apostle Masses,Communion and Confirmation Update

We are presently looking into mass celebrations with Fr. Allen at our local parish St. Thomas the Apostolate Catholic Church. Congratulations to all the Communion and Confirmation candidates from last year that are presently receiving their sacraments at Church in small groups. This year, sacraments will continue to be offered through the church with different options for online programs also being offered. Together, we can ... Continue reading "St. Thomas the Apostle Masses,Communion and Confirmation Update"