Category: General

March Break and Covid Closure

March Break has been extended until April 6th due to orders from the Government of Ontario. The government has taken the steps to close schools for the safety of your children. We would like to encourage all parents to review the WHO and YCDSB websites for up to date information about safe hygiene practices and instructions on safe travel and/or visits around the city. Further ... Continue reading "March Break and Covid Closure"

No Parking/Idling During Bus Drop-off and Pick-up Times.

It is important for the safety of all children to follow the safety routines that are established for all parents during morning and afternoon drop-off and pick-up times.  The school buses need to have safe access to the school at all times so if you see a bus in the driveway, please take the time to use the pick-up/drop-off loop available at the side of ... Continue reading "No Parking/Idling During Bus Drop-off and Pick-up Times."