COVID – York Region Public Health

York Region Public Health continues to provide us with the necessary information for our schools and to our communities. York Region Catholic School also posts all information on the YCDSB website. Please take the time to visit our YCDSB website for notifications. Teachers will send students with symptoms to our Isolation Room for further observation and follow-up with parents as per York Region Public Health instructions. We will also discuss concerns with our York Region Public Health nurse, Crystal Goodfellow. Here are steps that will be recommended for you to take after picking up your child.

  • We recommend seeking medical attention and being tested for COVID-19.  Isolate your child at home, away from other household contacts while waiting for test results. (As long as the student has not traveled in the last 14 days or is a close contact of a case, asymptomatic siblings can remain at school while awaiting test results)
  • If your child is tested and receives a negative result he/she may return to school if symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours
  • If your child is assessed by a doctor and is given an alternate diagnosis for the symptoms he/she may return to school if symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours
  • If your child was not tested for COVID-19 or assessed by a doctor/health care provider, he/she may return after 14 days have passed since their symptoms started and it has been at least 24 hours since their symptoms started improving

If the student had a known exposure to a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19, international travel in the 14 days prior to symptom onset, then Public Health needs to be called

Charlene Gunn-Hagerman

Manager Public Health
